About Digital Badges

Digital badges recognise skills that individuals or organisations achieve and accomplish, and include those outside of formally accredited qualifications. They can help motivate learning and ambition and then through the Navigatr platform, dynamically connect people to training and work-related opportunities.

Digital badges enables people to gain recognition for developing their essential workplace skills and knowledge. Through the Navigatr platform, badge earners are able to record and develop an online CV, better preparing them to articulate their experience, skills and talent to prospective employers or educational interviews.

Badges are then easily shareable and compatible with all major platforms searched by employers and educators, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter.

Join a badge writing workshop

During this workshop you will learn about the ingredients that make up a digital badge, the Cities of Learning Badge Standard, and how to best reflect your learning activities.

You will also learn how to use the language of employers with skills tagging. This is an essential step before embarking on your badge-writing journey.

You will leave the workshop with the makings of your first badge, you might even finish writing it!

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